Engagement and training are at the heart of our company




When you arrive at LAMY LEXEL, you have the opportunity to be part of project groups aimed at moving the business forward and developing across a range of issues:

  • EnsembLLe to provide solutions and responses that match our clients’ expectations as closely as possible;
  •  PassereLLe to establish a link between the Lyon and Paris-based teams, with the aim of improving the use of our premises and wellbeing at work;
  • The LLivrables group to improve and standardise templates and documents, thereby improving efficiency and readability;
  • ÉvoLLution: to encourage teams to engage with each other, monitor and personalise career paths, discover talent and identify their training needs and expectations;
  • Le Llab dedicated to optimising tech tools to benefit both the client and internal staff.
  • TheSoLLidaire group which voluntarily invests in charity, pro bono, sporting or environmental projects to help charities,which was awarded the Community Award by the Lyon Bar Association:
  • The InternationaLL which is our link with our international networks PLG International Lawyers and First Law International. These networks provide a great opportunity to engage with our counterparts, summer classes, and internships in foreign companies for lawyers under the age of 35.


These groups work on a voluntary basis with the aim bringing together members from different teams, such as lawyers, legal professionals, partners, paralegals, legal assistants and members of support services. All backgrounds are welcome and everyone's voice counts.


There is a dedicated budget and time set aside to ensure these groups work well to help the company develop and newcomers integrate.





Moving forward together is also about knowing what other teams are doing and keeping up to date with the latest legal developments, whether this be on tax, social, corporate, litigation or competition law.  

How do we do this? Through the extensive internal training courses delivered throughout the year to partners and employees in order for them to become the best advisers for the companies they work with.

On an individual level, everyone is also offered training throughout their career.

Partners and staff are also given the opportunity to deliver training courses (EDARA, DJCE, etc.) or to suggest training to clients of LAMY LEXEL within their fields of activity.





LAMY LEXEL has joined forces with UCLY, the Catholic University of Lyon, as part of its mission to improve training, particularly in law, in order to play an active role in training the legal professionals of tomorrow.

I find that UCLY has a number of values similar to our own: commitment, availability and responsiveness, both for students and our clients. They constantly endeavour to support and share, which I believe is a real guarantee of success. Through out actions with UCLY, we are supporting the legal talent of the future!”  Pierre-Antoine Farhat (Managing Director, Partner).

In the spirit of being as close as possible to future generations of lawyers, and legal professionals, several lawyers are involved in our excellent training courses, whether through specialist Master’s degrees such as the DJCE (Corporate Counsel) MA or in our law schools.

Their expertise and innovative approach encourages students to choose them as their sponsor, as was the case with Christian Guichard at the DJCE or Aurélie Dantzikan Frachon, at the Institute of Business Law and Economics for the MA in Advanced Business Law.

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