Your company has reached full maturity and is looking for new means of financing future development. An IPO is an opportunity in terms of financial leverage, profit-sharing for employees, notoriety and credibility. It is structured by laws, obligations, and guidelines.
Every year LAMY LEXEL carries out numerous stock market operations (IPO, EPO, PRO, issue of shares security, etc.) which add value (Enternext Prizes 2013/2014). Operating both in Lyon and in Paris, LAMY LEXEL is a major player, given its specialized expertise and knowledge of the key figures in this specific domain (stock market institutions, listing sponsors, financial services advisors...).
52 %
An IPO requires a large amount of preparation. Once publicly traded, your company will have easier access to financial markets, but must meet certain requirements.
Maintaining close links with the main actors of the financial sector, our dedicated team of specialists assists you throughout your project :
Pre-IPO: analysing opportunities (choosing and identifying the right market), building teams (listing sponsors, financial services institutions, communication agencies), asset restructuring and reorganization, stabilizing of capital agreements, governance, due diligence, changes to the company status and issue note, contact with the FSA and Euronext.
An IPO requires a large amount of preparation. Once publicly traded, your company will have easier access to financial markets, but must meet certain requirements.
Maintaining close links with the main actors of the financial sector, our dedicated team of specialists assists you throughout your project :
Pre-IPO: analysing opportunities (choosing and identifying the right market), building teams (listing sponsors, financial services institutions, communication agencies), asset restructuring and reorganization, stabilizing of capital agreements, governance, due diligence, changes to the company status and issue note, contact with the FSA and Euronext.
Post IPO: regular monitoring (planning and follow up of obligations, legal documentation, and AGM, assistance in drafting legal documents and shareholder agreements, governance, obligatory declarations, buy-back program, exceeding threshold, etc.), raising funds in debt and equity markets (within or outside of the market), issuing securities, public offerings (EPE, PRO, squeeze-out, etc.).
We are also able to assist you if going public leads to your initial investors dumping their shares.