LAMY LEXEL provides you with support in all of the main legal fields, in France and around the world.
Our company is organised into 5 business units covering a wide range of legal expertise to support your projects:
- Corporate, mergers & acquisitions, stock market, finance
- Social (employment law, social security law)
- Tax (tax structuring and wealth management)
- Business litigation and restructuring
- Contracts, competition, intellectual property (including biotech and consumer goods)
Made up of 30 lawyers and 11 legal assistants
Partners: Alexandre BIDEAU, Frédéric DUPONT, Jérôme SALEUR, Michel MASOËRO, Vincent MEDAIL,Julie THOMAS , Mathilde TRANNOY
Managing Partners : Céline DELAPORTE, Sibylle AUDET Camille NALINE
Areas of expertise: corporate law; mergers, acquisitions and sales; asset restructuring and transfer; LBO; risk capital; investment capital; development capital; corporate groups; securities law (IPO, FPO, secondary debt and equity operations, public offers, market transfer, delisting); etc.
Languages spoken: 6 (English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic)
Made up of 12 lawyers and 2 legal assistants
Partners: Alexandra DELBARRE, Christian GUICHARD, Pierre-Antoine FARHAT
Senior Manager : Hélène RELANGE
Areas of expertise : company transfer and restructuring; LBO; day-to-day business taxation (advice & litigation); VAT; personal taxation of the company director (income tax, real estate asset tax, wealth management); local and regional taxation; tax integration; international taxation; tax rulings; etc.
Languages spoken : 3 (English, German, Italian)
Made up of 14 lawyers and 3 legal assistants
Partners : Marion BEAUDOT, Béatrice CHAINE, Isabelle JAULIN GRELLIER
Areas of expertise : social strategy; social management of restructures, sales and transfers; social, employment and workforce audits; individual and collective labour relations; company agreements and practices; employee savings plans; management of staff representative bodies; management of collective bargaining; managerial status; international mobility; social welfare (social security and provident funds); assistance with social security inspections; litigation arising from general employment law; litigation relating to staff elections; general social security litigation (URSSAF and accidents at work/occupational diseases); disability/invalidity litigation; litigation relating to allowances for accidents at work/occupational diseases; training for HR departments; etc.
Languages spoken: 3 (English, Italian, Chinese)
Made up of 10 lawyers and 2 legal assistants
Managing Partners: Delphine CALLIES TARRIOTTE Vincent RICHARD
Areas of expertise: business law litigation; companies in difficulty and collective procedures; professional liability; banking and financial law; criminal business law; intellectual and industrial property litigation; competition, contract and distribution litigation; commercial litigation; disputes between partners; litigation relating to the transfer of control and enforcement of liability guarantees; management of industrial risks and expertise; commercial leases
Languages spoken: 2 (English, Arabic)
Made up of 7 lawyers and 1 legal assistant
Managing Partner: Manon POURCHER, Delphine CALLIES TARRIOTTE
Areas of expertise: distribution; competition; intellectual and industrial property; biotechnologies; new information and communications technologies (IT, web, connected objects, blockchain, etc.); personal data; consumer goods; French and international contract engineering; renewable energies
Languages spoken: 4 (English, German, Spanish, Portuguese)
Made up of 9 people: 3 accountants, 1 marketing and communications manager, 1 human resources manager, 1 data engineer, 1 librarian and 1 general receptionist
Deputy managing director: Guillaume LIMOUZI
Languages spoken: 1 (English)