Our organisation for successfull projects

Our organisation by area of expertise

LAMY LEXEL provides you with support in all of the main legal fields, in France and around the world.

Our company is organised into 5 business units covering a wide range of legal expertise to support your projects:

- Corporate, mergers & acquisitions, stock market, finance

- Social (employment law, social security law)

- Tax (tax structuring and wealth management)

- Business litigation and restructuring

- Contracts, competition, intellectual property (including biotech and consumer goods)


Corporate, mergers & acquisitions, stock market and finance department

Made up of 30 lawyers and 11 legal assistants

Partners: Alexandre BIDEAU, Frédéric DUPONT, Jérôme SALEUR, Michel MASOËRO, Vincent MEDAIL,Julie THOMAS , Mathilde TRANNOY

Managing Partners : Céline DELAPORTE, Sibylle AUDET Camille NALINE

Areas of expertise: corporate law; mergers, acquisitions and sales; asset restructuring and transfer; LBO; risk capital; investment capital; development capital; corporate groups; securities law (IPO, FPO, secondary debt and equity operations, public offers, market transfer, delisting); etc.

Languages spoken: 6 (English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic)

Tax department

Made up of 12 lawyers and 2 legal assistants

Partners: Alexandra DELBARREChristian GUICHARD, Pierre-Antoine FARHAT 

Senior Manager : Hélène RELANGE

Areas of expertise : company transfer and restructuring; LBO; day-to-day business taxation (advice & litigation); VAT; personal taxation of the company director (income tax, real estate asset tax, wealth management); local and regional taxation; tax integration; international taxation; tax rulings; etc.

Languages spoken : 3 (English, German, Italian)

Social department

Made up of 14 lawyers and 3 legal assistants

Partners : Marion BEAUDOTBéatrice CHAINEIsabelle JAULIN GRELLIER

Areas of expertise : social strategy; social management of restructures, sales and transfers; social, employment and workforce audits; individual and collective labour relations; company agreements and practices; employee savings plans; management of staff representative bodies; management of collective bargaining; managerial status; international mobility; social welfare (social security and provident funds); assistance with social security inspections; litigation arising from general employment law; litigation relating to staff elections; general social security litigation (URSSAF and accidents at work/occupational diseases); disability/invalidity litigation; litigation relating to allowances for accidents at work/occupational diseases; training for HR departments; etc.

Languages spoken: 3 (English, Italian, Chinese)

Business litigation department

Made up of 10 lawyers and 2 legal assistants


Managing Partners: Delphine CALLIES TARRIOTTE Vincent RICHARD

Areas of expertise: business law litigation; companies in difficulty and collective procedures; professional liability; banking and financial law; criminal business law; intellectual and industrial property litigation; competition, contract and distribution litigation; commercial litigation; disputes between partners; litigation relating to the transfer of control and enforcement of liability guarantees; management of industrial risks and expertise; commercial leases

Languages spoken: 2 (English, Arabic)

Contracts, competition and intellectual property department

Made up of 7 lawyers and 1 legal assistant

Partners: Aurélie DANTZIKIAN-FRACHON, Jérôme SALEUR 

Managing Partner: Manon POURCHERDelphine CALLIES TARRIOTTE 

Areas of expertise: distribution; competition; intellectual and industrial property; biotechnologies; new information and communications technologies (IT, web, connected objects, blockchain, etc.); personal data; consumer goods; French and international contract engineering; renewable energies

Languages spoken: 4 (English, German, Spanish, Portuguese)

Support department

Made up of 9 people: 3 accountants, 1 marketing and communications manager, 1 human resources manager, 1 data engineer, 1 librarian and 1 general receptionist

Deputy managing director: Guillaume LIMOUZI

Languages spoken: 1 (English)

Contact us

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